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Leaving Your Home Protected While on Winter Vacation

Leaving Your Home Protected While on Winter Vacation

Although most plans for winter vacations have been put to a halt due to COVID-19, there may still be some who are willing to brave the pandemic to spend time with distant loved ones.

J.E. Insurance Associates DBA Amco Insurance, a licensed provider of top-quality insurance services in Hialeah, Florida suggests that individuals must secure the following things before embarking on their winter journeys.

  • Remember to check your sump pump back-up battery. Sump pumps mostly rely on electricity to function, so if your powers go off while you’re not around, you’ll be out of luck. Make sure you have a working back-up system in place.
  • Arrange for snow and ice removal. Ask your neighbor or contact a snow-removal service to regularly come over to your house and shovel or de-ice your sidewalk, front porch, and driveway. This can help prevent liability claims which often follow slip-and-fall incidents.
  • Store valuable items such as jewelry in a safe place. Some providers of home insurance policies offer jewelry coverage. Make sure to ask your agent about this before you leave.
  • Drain the pipes. This can help prevent them from freezing over and bursting while you’re away.

Every insurance agency has a specific set of requirements you need to take note of when you’re going to be away for an extended period of time. Contact your insurer to find out what’s required in your case.

If you’re planning a long road-trip with friends and family, make sure to contact your agent for auto insurance in Hialeah, Florida, and inform them about your plans.

We also offer quality life insurance in Hialeah, Florida. For details, contact us today.

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